Charity Initiative

We are committed to donating 10% from each registration to a charity of your choice. When you register, you will be prompted to select which charity you would like to support from our charity partners below!

Charity Partners

1. Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina

The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina (the Food Bank) is a nonprofit organization that has provided food for our friends and neighbors facing hunger in 34 counties in central and eastern North Carolina for over 40 years. The Food Bank is an affiliate member of Feeding America, the nation’s leading domestic hunger relief charity. In terms of total food distributed, the Food Bank ranks in the top 15 nationally among 200 Feeding America food banks and first in North Carolina. Our food distribution programs and child nutrition programs are based on national models.

2. Activate Good

Figuring out how to help can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Activate Good makes it easy to take action. They invite people of all ages in our community to join us on a journey of learning, action, and community-building to become agents of positive change. They have been a leading volunteer organization in the Triangle for almost 20 years, creating a network of over 600 community partners and over 55,000 volunteers. Their projects and programs provide individuals and groups, youth and families, and companies meaningful opportunities to take action to meet important local needs — from food insecurity, to homelessness, to education and more.

3. Duke Cancer Institute

Duke Cancer Institute is purpose-built to break down traditional barriers to rapid innovation and novel treatments. Our collaborations foster original discoveries and translate them into new treatments with unprecedented rapidity. But we are at a tipping point — the more we can do, the more we become a model for what is possible — a way to end cancer. Your combined contributions make an indelible mark against cancer.

With your help, we can give the world a re-imagined vision of how to defeat the most relentless enemy of our generation. Explore the many ways you can partner with us.